You can change the key shortcuts via Window->Keyboard Shortcuts in the main menu.

Presonus Faderport, Faderport8 and Faderport16.

About This Manual (online version and PDF download).Velocity is displayed as both a “color” change ( increasingly saturated color with higher velocity ) … and also with a bar indicator inside the note. The note “velocity” may be displayed inside MIDI notes as a “bar”. You can only click to create new control points if there is a MIDI region on the timeline at that location. MIDI Controls use the same conventions as automation, except that you can only have MIDI controller automation inside a MIDI region. The MIDI submenu allows you to apply these operations to all notes in the selected region(s), without having to select the notes separately. *If you want to apply these MIDI operations to all the notes in a region, you can use the Grabber (“G”) tool, and right-click on the region(s). Transform – Allows transforming the note pitch, velocity, and other parameters using logical operations.Remove Overlap – After this operation, each new note onset will cut off any notes that were held on before the new note was struck.Quantizes the note start/ends to a defined grid. Quantize – Operates on one or more selected notes.Extends note ends to meet the next note’s beginning. Legatize – Operates on a multi-note selection.Allows changing the length, pitch, velocity, etc. Edit – Operates on a single selected note.Delete – Requires one or more notes to be selected.Right-click on a selected note to open the MIDI context menu.Point at the selected note, and use the mouse wheel to adjust all of the selected note velocities.Click the up/down arrows to transpose the note pitch up/down.Click Backspace or Delete key to delete the selected note(s).Once a note (or multiple notes) is selected (red), you can: Click an empty space in the region to initiate a “box select” rectangle.Scroll the mouse wheel on a note to increase/decrease the velocity.Click in the middle of a note to drag it.Click the left or right edge of the MIDI note to trim the start and end times of the note.Shift+right-click on a MIDI note to delete it.
Ctrl+click ( Cmd+click on Mac ) to add/remove notes from the selection